40 Strong Willed Daughter Quotes To Wish Her Good Morning & More

Light, God’s eldest daughter” by “Heather Katsoulis“, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Daughters are an amazing gift of God. The connection that parents share with their daughters is incredible. Given the right love and care, daughters can be both fearless and powerful. They’re like flowers that need proper care and affection to flourish. There’s a saying, “A daughter might outgrow of your lap, but she’ll never outgrow of your heart”, and that is the reason why it’s so important to show your love and affection towards them constantly.

No matter what the occasion, what the relation, be it early in the morning or the middle of a long tiresome day, a beautiful quote for your daughter will go a long way to empower and make her feel belonged. Here’s a list of wonderful handpicked daughter quotes for your lovely daughter to make her day lovelier.

Good Morning Daughter Quotes

Morning with a little good morning message from mommy/daddy makes it a little more beautiful! Check out these good morning texts for your sunshine.

“Good morning, my dear daughter. Wake up and create memories today. Go on an exciting adventure, which will be a fun moment to remember. Make your day a fun one today!”


“It is time to wake up and rock the world. I am always rooting for you no matter what you do! Good morning, love.”


Dear love, a warm good morning to you. A new morning and a new beginning is approaching you. Won’t you go on a new adventure?


“If you ever need a shoulder to lean on, you will always have me. My good wishes and prayers are always with you, love. Good morning.”


“What would be more important to a father than his daughter’s happiness? Be happy, my child. That is all I want. Good morning.”

Good Morning Daughter Quotes
“You are god’s greatest blessing. I hope you always live a happy life because your happiness is all that matters to us. Good morning.”

“Good morning to my daughter, I hope your day is a blessed one, and God blesses you beyond measure. I love you.”


“Since I’ve heard your first scream and saw your wonderful eyes, my heart has been stolen. And it was the prettiest thief I’ve ever seen. Good morning honey.”


“Good morning my dear daughter; I hope you had a good night’s sleep and woke up this morning to a beautiful morning. I wish you a good morning and a wonderful day ahead.”


“Good morning my daughter! Start the day with renewed energies and positive energies! Don’t let anything or anyone steal your joy and take your beautiful smile off your face! Kisses from your mother.”


Step Daughter Quotes

Step daughters are an added gift in the bucket of life! Let them know how much you love them through these step daughter quotes!

“I hope you always know I couldn’t possibly love you more than I already do. As far as my heart is concerned you are my daughter not my step daughter.”

Step Daughter Quotes
“I may not have been there when your life began, but I will be here for you until my life ends.”

“God knew I needed a step daughter and he chose you.”


“I thought I was lucky to marry your dad, but it turns out that I’m even luckier to have you as a step daughter.” 


“I didn’t know how to be a step dad, but having you as a step daughter makes it so easy.”


“Dear Step Daughter, I will always be here for you no matter what.”


“To My Amazing Bonus Daughter: Thank you for allowing me to be your Extra Mom.”

Step Daughter Quotes
“Sharing love is more important than sharing blood. I love you, Stepdaughter.”

“If I could give you one thing, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes and then you’d understand how precious you are to me.”


“You are not my step daughter. You are my daughter who was born before I even met you. And I promise to love you forever and give you support in life.”


I Miss You Daughter Quotes

You’re not the only one who’s missing her, she’s missing you too! Let her know that you do, through these I miss you daughter quotes.

“To my daughter. Never forget that I love you. Life is filled with hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can. Be the woman I know you can be.”


“I miss you and love you my daughter. It does not matter what you want with your life, where ever you go. I just want to say that I will always be by your side encouraging you to live your life like the way you want it.”


“I miss you my sweet daughter. You are the most beautiful part of my life. Just watching you makes my day and I realize how beautiful this life is. I love you so much.”

I Miss You Daughter Quotes
“I miss you. No, let me correct that, I miss the old you. I miss the old you that cared about me.”

“I don’t want my children to follow in my footsteps. Want them to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamt possible.”


“I miss your cuddles I miss your kisses but most of all I miss you! The love I have will never change as each day goes by I will love you till the day I die.”


“Like a rainbow, your smile cast beautiful colors of love in my heart, you may be far away from home, but I think of you every minute that pass, I love you my little world.”


“You are more than just a daughter to me; you are the love of my heart, the crown on my head, and the light on my path. Rise and shine every day, the Lord cares for you, I
long to see your beautiful face again. I miss you.”


 “You are beautiful, you are lovely, you are adorable. You are my little angel, I miss you so much, you give happiness and joy when I think of you, so I pray for you.”

I Miss You Daughter Quotes
“My dearest daughter, just watching you smile makes me realize how beautiful my life is. I love you. I miss you.”

Strong Willed Daughter Quotes

Daughters are strong, but they’re stronger when you praise them for it. How about a little reminder for your strong willed one?

 “I am the mother of a strong-willed daughter. The proud, frustrated, and exhausted mother, if I’m being honest, but that little girl? She is my heart.”


“My daughter is brave and kind and resourceful. She is ferocious and stubborn and unmovable. She is smart and funny and loyalShe is hard.”


“It is possible for her to be all those things at once, and I love each little part of her.”


“When my girl is faced with adversity, she doesn’t dissolve into a puddle of tears like some little girls do. Her chin tilts up and her hands go to her hips.”


“My God, but that little girl is tough. And I mean that in the best of ways. She can stand her ground against kids twice her age, and she does not back down from a fight.”

Strong Willed Daughter Quotes
“My daughter can make hard choices. She will sacrifice of herself for others. She’s got grit and determination and the power to push through things that are difficult.”

“My daughter is going to be a strong woman someday, and as hard as that is in a six year old sometimes, it isn’t something I would change for the world.”


“My daughter spends her life on the defense, trying to protect her delicate inner self from the world. She is strong “


“You are strong, my dear. You have very finite ideas about what is right and wrong. There is no grey area for you, and you have a hard time understanding why anyone would do the “wrong” thing. You are incredible.”


“My girl, you are powerful, strong-willed and you are loved.”


Whichever color there is, daughters take up the whole sky. Quotes and reminders are never enough to let them know and value their worth. We hope you could find these cute texts for your daughters relatable and we do very much hope that they make your little girl’s day.

If you liked reading these quotes then you can also check out these 50 Best Brother and Sister Quotes To Strengthen Your Bond!

Luke Franklin

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