Secret Crush Quotes

A crush is someone whose one look can make butterflies erupt in our stomach. One smile from our crush makes our heart flutter and can make our gloomy day a better one. Their mere existence can make everything better. Crush quotes might help us realize how we feel about our crush, or they might help us explain what it’s like to see our crush every day.
Some people muster up the courage to confront their crush. In the hope of something more. Sometimes we are lucky to find that our crush likes us back. But, then some are just happy watching their crush from a distance without feeling the need to let them know.
So we have compiled for you some crush quotes. For all the heart-fluttering interactions. The sweet moments and the interactions where our hearts felt lighter after we saw them.
Secret Crush Quotes
All of us have that one person we had a crush on but we never dared to confess to them. We would talk to them, but not being able to confess to them was one of the toughest things. We didn’t know how they felt about us, and the fear of rejection always kept us from telling them. Here are some secret crush quotes that describe how we feel being around them.
“I try to pretend I’m just a friend when in all I dream about is you.”
“Why am I so afraid to lose you when you are not even mine.”
“I’m not sure of anything but I’m certain that I loved you with a depth that stars cannot understand.”
“I just need you and some sunsets.”
“I always hope you’re looking at me while I’m looking away.”
“I dream about you in colors that don’t exist.”
“I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, insecret, between the shadow and the soul.”
” A sari never tells you to suit in, it causes you to stand out.”
“When you look at me in the eyes and laugh together, it almost tears me apart from not telling you how much I love you.”
“You may and never will know it, but I love you with all my heart, inside and out.“
“When he’s not yours, but you dont want him to date anyone else.”
“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.”
Shy Crush Quotes
No matter how confident we are, when our crush is around we don’t know what to say or how to speak. It’s like we forget how to string words together and make sentences. For all the situations when we are shy and don’t know what to do we have compiled the best shy crush quotes.
“Don’t wait 30 years to tell someone you had a crush on them. In fact, don’t wait 30 seconds.”
“Instantly smiling when the person you wanted to text you, texts you.”
“He’s the kind of guy who makes you love your name just because he says it.”
“She likes him, he likes her ..they are both too shy to do anything about it.”
“When I’m alone, I think of so many things to say to you, but when I have a chance to tell you, I go speechless.”
“I wish I could google how my crush feels about me, because I’m too shy to ask.”
“I tell you I like you all the time, or at least in my head, I do.”
“Since the day you have been around, I smile frequently more than I used to.”
“I have a little secret tale, if I say it out I’m afraid to fail, but you look lovely and true, so I’m just saying I have a crush on you.”
“I’m not ignorning you, I’m just waiting for you to talk to me first.”
Sweet Crush Quotes
Some crushes are so innocent. It makes us feel like a teenager all over again. It’s the way we talk to them or the way they make everything better, just by being there. Even when there are no conversations, no arguments just pure intentions. Here are some sweet crush quotes that might warm your heart, and at the same time, they might remind us of someone.
“I know that someday my dreams would come true and that includes being with you.”
“The answer to your prayers is just in front of you, you do not have to look anywhere else.”
“He smiled when I was trying to unlove him and I was like “No not again”.”
“Do you understand what it’s like to be so in love that you can’t breathe?”
“Surely, I am being rewarded because I have you.”
“I can’t get you off my mind, but maybe you’re meant to be in my heart instead.”
“I know I am but summer to your heart, and not the full four seasons of the year.”
“I don’t miss this opportunity to tell you that the moment I saw you, I felt my heart create a new rhythm.”
“If you asked me how many times you’ve crossed my mind, I would say once because you never really left.”
“Will you ever know, how good you are at keeping me awake at night?”
Sad Crush Quotes
Sometimes the people we like just don’t like us back. There is nothing we can do about it. Everything might seem dark and gloomy, but there is a bittersweet feeling that comes with it. But sometimes it’s so intense that it hurts. Here are some crush quotes that might hit you in all the correct places.
“All I ever wanted was to feel special and chosen.”
“I overthink, over love, over feel and over care.”
“I lost my mind trying to figure out yours.”
“But ‘just friends’, don’t look at each other like that.”
“I’m scared because what if no one makes me feel the way you did?”
“I spend most nights at home falling in love with the idea of being with you.”
“You fell, you were broken, you fell again, while I am still waiting and waiting for you.”
“They say “follow your heart” but if your heart is in a million pieces which piece do you follow?”
“Some crushes just never went away. They built, instead into something permanent, obsessive and all consuming.”
“Wishing for you is like wishing for the moon to shine on a bright and clear morning sky.”