29 Really Powerful Kenny Powers Quotes With Images

Eastbound and Down” by “Lachlan Hardy“, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Kenny Powers is a fictional character from the hit HBO Television comedy series Eastbound and Down. Danny McBride played the character. The character is portrayed as a once-dominant baseball pitcher whose poor work ethic, ego, and short temper jeopardize his personal career. Despite being a world-famous baseball player, his personality eventually took a toll on his personal career. Check out these amazing Kenny Powers quotes that the fans of Eastbound and down will enjoy reading.

Despite being a successful pitcher, he lost his shine because of his temper and ended up being a temporary physical education teacher. This taught him many lessons in life while dealing with other characters’ stories. His experiences shown in the series are great life lessons for everyone.

Check out some of the best Kenny Powers quotes, which will make you know why this character is loved by many.

Really Powerful Kenny Powers Quotes

Kenny Powers is one of the most favourite and beloved fictional characters from the TV Series. Check out some of the best Kenny Powers quotes from the series Eastbound and Down, one of the fans’ favorites.

“These are the hard realities, guys. Life is not a fairy tale, although sometimes it feels like our world is full of fairies.”


“And like any journey, if you stay the course long enough, the road might just show you what you need.” 


“There’s no better feeling than winning.”


“I’m sober and ready to destroy the competitions.”


“A man fights and fights, and then fights some more. Because surrender is death.”


Kenny Powers Motivational Quotes

If you’re looking for some hard-packed motivational quotes and dialogues from Kenny Powers, then you’re at the right place. Check out some of the best Kenny Powers Motivational quotes from the series which will motivate you in life.

Kenny Powers Motivational Quotes
“You can never be alone, the gracious god is always there.”

“I need to remember that I’m a winner, man. I need to remember that I am better than everyone else.”


“Fundamentals are the crutch for the talentless.”


“With a true champion face to face with his darkest hour, he will do whatever it takes to rise above.”


“This is a story of a man who won. By choosing love over fame, fortune, and countless adventures, I’d proven that my heart was true. I’d proven that I was a man who could face any peril.”


“There have been many comebacks throughout history…Well, my comeback is almost complete, and I can say that, when it is complete, it will shake the pillars of this land or town.”

Kenny Powers Motivational Quotes
“If we were on an island with no weights and no running drills, who would be on top then? The guy with the talent.” 

“I will take my current responsibilities seriously, and try to do them the best that I possibly can.”


“If you’ve got something you want to say, then just say it.” 


“Just like that, the journey is over… depression is finished, and you’re on your way back to the world of the living, smiling, regular people.”


“The good thing about getting over depression is…well…you can start to see your enemies more clearly. Suddenly, everyone isn’t an obstacle; just some people are.”


“Undaunted, I knew the game was mine to win. Just like in life, all of my successes depend on me.”


Kenny Powers Inspirational Quotes

The series, Kenny Powers, has lots of inspirational and positive quotes and dialogues that make you more optimistic about your life. Check out some of the best Kenny Powers inspirational quotes from the series which will inspire you in life.

Kenny Powers Inspirational Quotes
“You can’t be running around worried about every goddamn bridge you’ve burned. You’ll never get across the river.”

“From this moment forward, I’m gettin’ what’s mine: Fame — Money — Respect —Chicken chains.”


“You can never be me, I can never be you. Everyone has his unique identity, believe in yourself.”


“In the end, Kenny Powers didn’t get what he wanted, but he got what he needed. He didn’t win baseball, but he did win life. The end.”


“When my a** was 19 years old, I changed the face of professional baseball. I was handed the keys to the kingdom.” 


Funny Kenny Power Quotes

Being an Inspirational and encouraging series, Kenny Powers has some of the best funny quotes and dialogues. Check out some of the best witty and funny Kenny Powers quotes from the series that will fill your day with laughter.

“How does any genius figure out his inventions? I mean, how did Leonardo DiCaprio figure out about gravity? ‘Cause the b***h was sleepin’ underneath a tree and an apple hit him on his head.” 

Funny Kenny Power Quotes
“Why give 100% when 35% will get you paid and laid.”

“Sure, I’ve been called a xenophobe, but the truth is I’m not. I honestly just feel that America is the best country and all the other countries aren’t as good. That used to be called patriotism.”


“You know what? I can already tell that I don’t like you. And I’m probably not gonna like you no matter how many pull-ups or push-ups you can do.” 


“Whenever I look at a Mexican I will think of you. Whenever you look at that jacka** you think of me, OK?”


“I can’t believe I opened up my heart up to that b***h. Opened it wide up. And she just squatted with that big beautiful b**ty and dumped all over it.”


“OK, Toby, here we go, bud. We’re going to put you on the big people’s furniture. Try not to s**t all over it, OK?” 


Even when Kenny Powers lost his spotlight on the playing field in the series, he was still able to welcome the change in his life. These changes make the audience see Kenny Powers’s other personalities and make him the most beloved character in the TV show. His experiences taught him to be less impatient and more mature. These experiences helped him to improve more as a person, making people love him even more.

You can also check out 50 The Vampire Diaries Quotes On Love & More.

Curated by: Piyush Kesarwani

Nitesh Kucchal

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