50 Inspirational Sadhguru Quotes On Life

Sadhguru at the India Economic Summit 2017“, by World Economic Forum, licensed under CC BY 3.0

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is a renowned yogi, mystic, author, and visionary whose transformational teachings and unique interpretation of ancient yogi science have impacted the lives of millions of people. For this reason, India ranks him among the 50 most influential people in the country and is celebrated worldwide for his wisdom and transformational programs. Sadhguru shares his wisdom at top learning institutions such as Yale and Harvard University. 

His book, Inner Engineering: A Yogi Guide to Joy, is a New York Times bestseller and a big influencer in many international forums such as the United Nations. He is also the founder of Isha Foundation, a non-profit organization focusing on developing spiritual, mental, and physical nourishment for people from all walks of life. His commitment to improving humanity has been embedded in some of his most inspirational quotes on life. Without further ado, here are 50 Sadhguru quotes on life to inspire, motivate or educate you.

Sadhguru Quotes

“The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it.”


“I am not here to speak the truth. I am here just to give you a method to perceive it.”


“Most people are investing their whole lifetime just for their material well-being. Dying to live, this is called.”


“The logic is simple: if you do the right things, the right things will happen to you even without your intent.”


“Your ideas of good and bad are just a certain level of prejudice against life.”


“Money is definitely needed, but how much money do we really need? If we would change our idea of a successful life to a joyful life, we would find our need for money would dramatically decrease.”


“Our lives become beautiful not because of what we do, our lives become beautiful simply because we have included everybody around us as a part of our dream of well being.”


“People have fallen in love with words and lost the world. It’s time to regain it.”


“You have too much social influence upon you. You are not going by your own nature. People do so many nonsensical life-negative things because they don’t want to be left out of the scene around them.”


“Life should touch you, even if life smothers you, it’s better than remaining untouched by life.”

“A human is not a being; he is a becoming. He is an ongoing process – a possibility.”


“If you handle your life with logic alone, you will end up an entire mess.”


“I’m not talking about you being a spectator, I am talking about involvement. I am talking about involving yourself into life in such a way that you dissolve into it.”


“Right now, you don’t have the necessary faculties to know anything which is beyond the physical. If you recognize this, if you understand this, if you accept this absolutely, only then the other dimension opens up.”


“Life is a circus when your intellect and your body alone are involved. Life is a dance, when intelligence begins to play its role.”


“Life is not a race. It is a phenomenon.”


“But when it comes to the inner situation, there is only one ingredient: you. At least you must happen the way you want.”


“Sunlight comes into your house not because you want it. It happens because you open the windows.”


“There is only one calamity: ignorance. And there is only one solution: enlightenment.”


“Your mind need not be controlled; your mind needs to be liberated.”

“I learned to create a little more space between my thoughts and actions—actually between my feelings and reactions. This is extremely important; without it, life can be a real roller coaster ride.”


“The whole spiritual process is just this: that you are willing to take the next step not knowing where it will lead you. If you are not ready for that, that means you are not ready for any new possibility.”


“The only thing that stands between you and your well-being is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than the inside.”


“Unless you begin to see the hollowness of where you are right now, you will not begin to seek something else strongly.”


“The walls of self-preservation that you build for today are the walls of self-imprisonment for tomorrow.”


“But being on the spiritual path is not about making life pleasant. It’s about seeing how to transcend both the pleasant and the unpleasant.”


“This is what I call Inner Engineering: to engineer yourself the way you want yourself to be.”


“Being a Father means being a worthy Example.”


“By consciously getting your body into a certain posture, you can also elevate your consciousness, you can change the very way you feel, think, understand, and experience life simply by sitting in a particular way.”


“Don’t think of this as your first step or last step. Just be here as a piece of life. That is the best way to be.”

“The essence of yoga, as we have said before, is just this—to arrive at that moment where there is a clear space between you and your mind.”


“Whatever has been the highest experience in your life should become the centerpiece around which your life is structured.”


“Believing means you have assumed something that you do not know; seeking means you have realized that you do not know.”


“Only if you know to what extent your logic should go and where it should not go, your life will be beautiful.”


“The path is not difficult. It is very simple. If you are simple, it’s very simple. If you are all wound up, the path is very, very winding. That’s all it is.”


“When you have that, you dream of this and when you have this, you dream of that. Maybe you call it romantic, but it’s just plain stupidity. It destroys life.”


“There is so much adventure that only a youth can experience. Youth is not the time to languish in pleasure – youth is the time for exploration and adventure.”


“The quality of your life depends on how well you manage your body, your mind, your emotion, your situations, your home, your communities, nations, your life in general and the world.”


“Learning to listen is the essence of intelligent living.”


“If you resist change, you resist life.”

“Krishna says in the Gita, the worst crime in life is indecision.”


“Death is a fiction created by people who live their lives in total unawareness. There is only life, life and life alone, moving from one dimension to another, another dimension to another.”


“If you do not do what you cannot do, it is all right. But if you do not do what you can do, your life is a tragedy.”


“Now is the time to show your responsibility and commitment to all life, including your own.”


“With enough attention in life, just about anything can be mastered.”


“If you being joyful, peaceful, and pleasant within yourself depends on the outside situation, your way of being shall be accidental.”


“You do not have to do anything, you do not have to think anything, you do not have to feel anything to be complete. You are a complete life as You are.”


“If only you can go through difficult times with inner grace, you will see that every situation we face is an opportunity to enhance our lives.”


“Constantly seek that which you know to be the highest. Living with the vision is an elevating experience and a joyous process in itself.”


“The fear is simply because you are not living with life, you are living in your mind.”

Wisdom is one of the greatest gifts of life, and Sadhguru demonstrates that every time he shares the secrets of life with the world. We hope that these quotes inspire you and improve the quality of your life. You can also check out these 50 Osho quotes on life to give you a different perspective.

Luke Franklin

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