40 Best True Colors Quotes about Life & Relationship
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It’s easy to put on a mask and pretend to be someone you’re not. But eventually, your true colors will always shine through. Whether you’re at work, at home, or out with friends, always be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not just to please others – it’s not worth it in the long run. Be proud of who you are, and let your true colors shine through!
Here are the best True Colors Quotes about life and relationships:
Fakeness True Colors Quotes
No matter how hard people try to fake their personality, their true colors come out some day or other. Here are some relatable quotes:
“Sometimes it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off.”
“Fake friends show their true colors when they don’t need you anymore. Be aware.”
“A person’s true colors will always show within time. You may be fooled for the moment, but be patient and see what happens.”

Karma True Colors Quotes
Every action brings some consequences too. If you will do wrong with others, it will come back haunting you in future. Read these relatable karma quotes about people showing their true colors.
“You might have burned me with your lies, but karma is about to set you on fire.”
“Karma is a good judge of character, and you, my friend, are screwed.”
“Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma.”
“Forgive the person and their actions, never give in to hate. Let it go, set it free, and karma will take care of what is meant to be.”
“Your believing or not believing in karma has no effect on its existence, nor on its consequences to you. Just as a refusal to believe in the ocean would not prevent you from drowning.”
“Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you and theirs says enough about them.”

Life Lesson True Colors Quotes
When people show you their true colors, you get a learning for life. Read these true colors quotes for some valuable life lessons.
“People show their true colors, unintentionally. Pay attention.”
“A rainbow is not afraid of showing its true colors because it knows it is beautiful inside out.”
“Dishonest people never succeed… They just show their true colors and teach us a good leson.”
“Sometimes it takes going through heartache and pain to be able to see clearly and find our true colors.”
“When people show you their true colors don’t get mad, paint beautiful mural of life lessons, and keep marching forward.”
“The best leaders are the ones who show their true colors not during the banner years but during times of struggle.”
“Allowing your character’s color to vary in response to the environment is not a good idea. Discover who you are and allow it to remain in its natural state.”
“The youth tend to see things through bright colors and hope, but only with age do you come to find the richness that colors can offer to leave your mark behind.”
“The greatest influencers are those who show their true colors not just during time of peace, but also during times of struggle.”
“Don’t let your character change color with your environment. Find out who you are and let it stay its true color.”

Relationship True Colors Quotes
Every relationship is based on trust. But, when people show you their true colors, you feel cheated. Read these relatable quotes about people showing their true colors in relationships.
“You see a person’s true colors when you are no longer beneficial to their lives.”
“To see a man’s true colors, tell him you’re saving yourself for marriage. To see a woman’s true colors, tell her you’re poor.”
“It Is During The Worst Times Of Your Life That You Will Get To See The True Colors Of The People Who Say They Care For You.”
“Sometimes it takes going through a hard time to really be able to see the true colors of those who claim to love you.”
“In the beginning, some people try to appear that everything about them is “in black and white,” until later their true colors come out.”
“Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they’ll notice. If they don’t, you know where you stand.”
“You learn more about someone at the end of a relationship than at the beginning.”
“In certain circumstances, we must first disappoint or irritate someone, or break their heart, in order for them to reveal their true colors.”

More True Colors Quotes
Here are some more quotes about people showing their true colors.
“Friends show their true colors in times of need; and not in times of happiness.”
“I’d rather have an enemy who admits they hate me, instead of a friend who secretly puts me down.”
“Success, in my opinion, reveals a person’s true colors.”
“Pay attention to how people act when you’re not on good terms. True colors will always reveal themselves.”
“Beware of people who show one color on your face but another color behind their back.”
“Friends reveal their true colors when they are in need, not when they are happy.”
“You can never be deceived by someone’s words if you judge them by their actions.”
“Don’t sacrifice your peace trying to point out someone’s true colors. Lack of character always reveals itself in the end.”

It’s important to remember that people will always show their true colors, no matter how hard they try to conceal them. This is why it’s so important to be genuine and honest with others. People appreciate the transparency and trust you in the future if you are real to them.
Hope you liked reading these 40 Best True Colors Quotes about Life & Relationship!
Have you had any experiences where people showed you their true colors? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!
Curated by: Isha Saini