40 Savage Taurus Quotes on How to Be Strong for Instagram
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Taurus is known for being tough, uncompromising, and patient. Taurus’s greatest strengths are also their most marked flaws. Their preference for stability means they don’t function well in ever-changing surroundings. This is right for all extents in their lives – family, profession, or love life. They need a stable environment to prosper. Tauruses that comprehend their hunger for stability often work toward building and sustaining a stable environment. In this Taurus quote collection, you will discover quotes that define Taurus’s attributes, love life, family, and also sayings by well-known Taurus.
Woman Taurus Quotes
Led by the planet of Venus — the symbol of affection, magnificence, and sexiness — Taurus women value pretty things and faithful love. When a Taurus lady has her mind made up, nothing dangerous will happen immediately, yet they’ll gain slow yet significant progress day after day toward her objective. In this Taurus quote collection, you will find Taurus quotes about their characteristics, behavior in love, family, and a few notable quotes by renowned Taurus women.
“Although the Taurus woman is clever, she is not interested in proving herself an intellectual for the sake of it.”
“Most Taurus women are masters at following through, and will complete tasks which others find boring or too difficult.”
“Taurus woman is strong, practical, and reliable.”
“Taurus women typically don’t need hordes of friends, as quality over quantity is her motto.”
“Once a Taurus woman sets her mind to do something, she just makes it happen—no matter what.”

“Once she sets her heels, the Taurus woman is rooted to the spot in her position, so forget about trying to sway her back to your point of view.”
“You might call the Taurus woman bull-headed at times, but she’s not stubbornly digging her heels in just for the sake of being right.”
“A Taurus woman is assertive when she needs to be, but she doesn’t mind when someone else takes the lead, especially her partner in a romantic relationship.”
“Beauty-loving, sensual, and at times even slightly hedonistic, the Taurus woman naturally embraces the finer things in life.”
Savage Taurus Quotes
To know a Taurus, you must see the earth and a bull. They appear like a rugged mountain at first glimpse, but they are just snoozing pandas who love to dine and cuddle. They are patient, realistic, tenacious, and relentless. So here we have brought the best array of Taurus Quotes and Sayings about the bull, talking about their savage character and life.
“I have a pretty bad temper. But you have to really push me to see it. Everybody has their things.”

“Taurus will say it to your face, not behind your back.”
“Taurus won’t sit and wait. They get sh*t done themselves.”
“Taurus are doing more than you know, on things you don’t know about.”
“Taurus remembers everything you do and don’t do.”
“Taurus will take the long way home just to listen to more songs.”

“Taurus have the weirdest collection of screenshots.”
“Taurus doesn’t hold grudges. They use them as motivation.”
Strong Taurus Quotes
Taurus is one of astrology’s most grounded, loyal, romantic, and stubborn zodiac signs. While their level-headed demeanor is often misunderstood, these Taurus quotes explain precisely what the zodiac sign is like. Check out some of the famous Taurus quotes about their strong Taurus quotes.
“I’m a Taurus. To the bone.”
“My definition of beauty is without rules.”
“The Taurus man is ruled by his senses—he’s going to look good, smell nice, speak calmly, and have great taste.”

“Taurus is not in a rush. Taurus is focused on the present.”
“A Taurus woman who doesn’t approve of her husband’s cronies simply will not talk to them.”
“Taureans are not going to be rushed. They like everything, including a friendship or love affair, to be built on a firm foundation.”
“Appreciative of all things tasty, comfortable, luxurious, and sensually pleasing, your Sun in Taurus knows how to enjoy the physical realm.”
“I’m a Taurus, which means that I have a bull-like determination, which means I’m not giving up. And that is true. I’m not.”

Taurus Quotes for Instagram
Every zodiac characteristic has powers and Flaws; according to astrological study, Taureans’ strengths are enduring, practical, and realistic approaches. Their weak attributes are they don’t readily compromise, are Hard-nosed, and more. Based on these qualities, we have specially picked Taurus quotes that you can use along with photos, share on Instagram and Facebook, and use in your profile and WhatsApp status.
“Taurus won’t forget it. Taurus doesn’t forget anything.”
“Taurus is in absolutely no rush, so embrace the opportunity to move slow and steady, letting the relationship unfold naturally.”
“From flowers to priceless perfume, Taurus likes to surround himself with good smells.”
Taurus be like: Upset for not being invited even though they won’t go anyway.
Everything you know about Taurus is what they want you to know.

“Taurus doesn’t get mad. They get disappointed and move on.”
“Taurus will take forever to go through the menu, and still order the same food.”
“Taurus in quarantine: trying six recipes a day and wishing it all go away.”
“Taurus: the expert of dark jokes.”
Their iron will, intense passion, and laid-back mood are only a few character traits that make Taurus zodiac signs a substantial force to be reckoned with. These 40 quotes truly encapsulate these realistic earth signs.
If you enjoyed reading these Taurus Quotes, make sure to check out 29 Savage Gemini Quotes for all the Deep Thinkers