60 Inspirational & Strong Lion Quotes About Life, Success & More

Roaring Lion” by “Tambako The Jaguar“, licensed under CC BY 2.0

As we all know, Lion is the “King of the Jungle”. A lion symbolizes courage, patience, strength, justice and discipline. They form groups known as prides which consist of a few adult males, related females and their cubs. Lions are worshipped differently in many cultures. They have also been a part of many cultures and nationalities since always, and their depiction in sculptures, paintings, national flags & films is evidence for this fact.

When we talk about Lion quotes, it refers to the power and strength demonstrated by the lions. Many celebrities have given reference to the lions in their speeches as well. We have added quotes from them as well in this article. Check out!

Attitude Powerful Lion Quotes

The pride of the lion is the most prestigious, and sometimes pride is misinterpreted with attitude. But it is all about the perception of the listener. Let us have a look at these quotes with a positive mindset!

“Opportunities don’t come knocking on the door. They present themselves when you knock the f*#king door down.”


“Only in art will the lion lie down with the lamb, and the rose grow without thorn.”


“A lion is called a ‘king of beasts’ obviously for a reason.”


“Lions are the ones who never look back on barking dogs.”


“A Lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of a sheep.

Attitude Powerful Lion Quotes
“I AM a LION, not a sheep. A LEADER, not a follower.”

“The devil whispers “You can not withstand the storm” The warrior replies “I AM THE STORM“.


“Fear an ignorant man more than a lion.


“Everyone wants to EAT, but few are willing to hunt.”


“The lion is passion, the lion is the fire. Lions call you to them.”


Warrior Lion Quotes

From the birth of a lion, a cub is taught to be aware of enemies and their prey. Hunt, fight, rule, all these instincts make a lion warrior. These instincts are in humans too. We have mentioned quotes that may awaken your warrior instinct to do better in life.

“Go forth boldly, and mighty forces will come to your aid.”

Warrior Lion Quotes
“The lion is the defender of faith, strength, valor, fortitude, and kingliness.”

“Lions are neither predators nor killers. They just go for hunting like kings; because they are the kings!”


“A lion who breaks the enemy’s ranks is a minor hero compared to the lion who overcomes himself.”


“A lion doesn’t have to prove it’s a threat. You already know what the lion is capable of.”


“The silent breath of a wounded lion is more dangerous than its roar.”


“If you will not fight, then you will die as well.”

Warrior Lion Quotes
“No other creatures of the savannah sleep as deeply or as soundly as lions, but after all, lions are the main reason for not sleeping soundly.”

“The lion is an emblem of the dream of absolute power — and, as a wild rather than a domestic animal, he belongs to a world outside the realm of society and culture.”


Strong Woman Lion Quotes

As we know, lionesses are as courageous and fierce as lions. Similarly, the women are brave too. The world needs strong women. Here are a few quotes to empower women.

“Failure is not the outcome – failure is not trying. Don’t be afraid to fail.”


“A lioness will use all of her strength even when hunting a rabbit.”


“There never was a woman like her. She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness.”


“Meowing time is over, now it’s time to roar.”

Strong Woman Lion Quotes
“Live what is within you out loud.”

“I remember just looking at this lioness, she was staring at me, and we just had this weird connection.”


“I can be like a lioness when defending my people.”


“I’d rather be a lone lioness, roaring and free, than a caged bird without even a name to call my own.”


“I think having wild, huge hair, is me being my own version of a lioness.”


Success Lion Quotes

A lion stays alive by hunting its prey. A lion has to be patient, fight hard, and lose hope to succeed. This is what we should take away from a lion to be successful in our life.

“Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.”

Success Lion Quotes
“Attack your goals like your life depends on it.”

“Your life should be dominated by only one main fear: Not fully optimizing today. That’s the healthiest fear in the world.”


“A group of donkeys lead by a lion can defeat a group of lions lead by a donkey.”


Be like a lion and a wolf, then you have a big heart and the power of leadership.


“Surround Yourself With Only People Who Are Going To Lift You Higher.”


“It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”


Inspirational Strength Lion Quotes

Everyone inspires in one way, and lions play a significant role in motivating us. We have compiled these quotes to remind you in life that you are much better.

Inspirational Strength Lion Quotes
“There is greatness within you!”

“Do one thing every day that scares you.


“Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you.”


Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.”


“Courage is poorly housed that dwells in numbers; the lion never counts the herd that are about him, nor weighs how many flocks he has to scatter.”


“Intelligence entails a strong mind, but genius entails a heart of a lion in tune with a strong mind.”

Inspirational Strength Lion Quotes
“Do not try to fight a lion if you are not one yourself.”

“A lion sleeps in the heart of every brave man.”


“My soul is among lions.”


“The gait of the lion is relaxed until he is ready to charge. The charge is a series of great springs.”


Strong Lion Quotes

Strong doesn’t always reflect having more physical strength. Sometimes it is more about how mentally strong you are. Lions are a great example of mental strength, and we have found some quotes to give you that positive perception.

“If you want to be a lion, you must train with lions.”


“I may not be a lion, but I am lion’s cub and I have lion’s heart.”

Strong Lion Quotes
“People always want to see that, the young lion going to take the old lion out.”

“I have the heart of a LION, the strength of 10, and the DESIRE of 1000 men!”


“I refuse to be outworked, and I consider myself to have the heart of a lion.”


“Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.”


Lion Quotes About Life

We have acted as lions so many times in our lives, and we even don’t realise that. If we keep a few things in our minds, it could change our lifestyle. Let’s take a look at these quotes.

“When a lion meets another with a louder roar, the first lion thinks the last a bore.”


“Come out of the masses. Stand alone like a lion and live your life according to your own light.”

Lion Quotes About Life
“A lion runs the fastest when he is hungry.”

“The lions taught me photography.They taught me patience and the sense of beauty, a beauty that penetrates you.”


“When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.”


“I am bold as a lion.”


“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.”


“Don’t be ashamed of your scars. They are just reminders that you are a survivor. You are stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.”

Lion Quotes About Life
“The world is a jungle. You either fight and dominate or hide and evaporate.”

We got a lot of things to learn from a lion’s life if we closely observe it. We hope that you got something to learn from this as well and these quotes must have inspired you too!

If you liked reading these lion quotes then you can also check out these 50 Inspirational Lion King Quotes By Rafiki, Mufasa & More!

Nitesh Kucchal

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