29 Savage Gemini Quotes for all the Deep Thinkers

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Gemini, the third astrological sign in the zodiac, is regarded as the most coveted sign in modern astrology. They have the best character traits, and their knowledge and wisdom are believed to be outstanding.

Geminis are well known for their infectious smile and fascinating ways of pleasing everyone. A Gemini will find a way through every situation in his life, no matter how tough it is. They are believed to have dual nature and thus their twin’s depiction. Besides, they are intelligent, courteous, and versatile. Geminis are hard to keep up with as they talk, think, and change quickly. Here are some of the best collections of Gemini quotes that will show you the best side of them.

If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, you’ll love these best collections of Gemini Quotes.

Gemini Quotes on Love

The eyes of a Gemini are enthralling and can make anyone in the world fall in love with them. Here are some of the best collections of Gemini quotes on love.

“Gemini never fumbles. Whatever the situation with the loved one- joyous or tragic, loose or tight – the typical Gemini can, when he (or she) wishes, carry the ball with easy grace, handling embarrassment, fear or anger, with incredibly light touch.”


“I love books and the latest autobiographies. I’m a Gemini and love being with people, but then again, I love my own company, which is when I read most.”


“The uniqueness of a Gemini personality lies in the beauty of the heart that will make one fall in love. Gemini twins are actually very hard to find. Below are some of the best Gemini quotes and sayings that will surely motivate you in love relationships.”


“The looser the leash, the more likely it is Gemini will stay true, so it certainly does not pay to mistrust or nag Gemini! With Gemini, the risks are worth it. For Gemini is great at expressions of heart felt love.”

Gemini Quotes on Love
“Love is not a condition of the spirit but a sign of the zodiac.”

 “Happiness is nothing but temporary moments here and there and I love those, but I would be bored out of my mind if I were happy all the time.”


Deep Gemini Quotes

The uniqueness of a Gemini lies in their behaviour, passion, and heart. Here are some of the best deep Gemini quotes that are going to inspire you to evolve like them.

“Gemini can either be your biggest blessing or your worst nightmare.”


“You never know what’s on the mind of a Gemini. They can be bored, angry, or a million things.”


“A Gemini will make you see joys of life you never experienced.”


“The Gemini nature is mercurial and quixotic-changing every day and, indeed, every moment.”


“Gemini is the sign of the twins, and often it manifests as two faces of the same person which never have an opportunity to meet.”

Deep Gemini Quotes
“The Gemini essence is extremely contagious.”

“A Gemini knows how to swerve you from your most stubbornly held convictions.”


“But the cold metal of Mercury divides Gemini with twin desires, until he stops and waits―and listens―to his own heartbeat.”


“There are two very different sides of me.”


“A Gemini’s mind is too deep for you to understand.”


Gemini Quotes for Instagram

If you’re looking for some Gemini quotes for Instagram, then you’re at the right place. Here you will find some of the best Gemini Instagram quotes to post on Instagram.

“Difficult to understand. Impossible to forget.”

Gemini Quotes for Instagram
“Gemini can feel more than one emotion at a time.”

“Gemini be like: setting goals so high that scare them.”


“Gemini hides a thousand feelings behind the happy smile.”


“You must catch a Gemini’s mind before you catch their heart.”


“The Gemini essence is extremely contagious.”


Savage Gemini Quotes

Gemini quotes are as popular as the Gemini zodiac signs. All Geminis are regarded as good friends and are very savage. Here are the best collections of Gemini savage quotes that you’ll love the most.

“Gemini: My way or the high way.”  

Savage Gemini Quotes
“Get ready it’s almost Gemini season.”

“Gemini is a lover and a fighter… rolled into one.”


“You cannot change the made-up mind of a Gemini.”


“Geminis won’t ask twice, they will ask someone else.”


“When a Gemini cut off with you, there’s no going back.”

Savage Gemini Quotes
“Don’t tell Gemini to shut up. They will end up talking more.”

Geminis are the people with the best sense of belief and wisdom. They are believed to be the most curious people, and they keep pushing themselves to learn more. Geminis are mostly social beings, and you can never be bored while being around them. Share these Gemini quotes with your Gemini friends to show them some great love.

If you liked reading these gemini quotes, check out these 43 Relatable & Savage Aries Quotes About Women & More

Curated by: Piyush Kesarwani

Luke Franklin

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