35 Rupi Kaur Quotes On Love, Life And More

Rupi Kaur Poem” by “BK“, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Rupi Kaur is one of the most well-known ‘Instapoets’ and even those who do not follow her are familiar with her name. Rupi Kaur is an Indian-born Canadian poet, illustrator, photographer, and author. Her bold, truthful, and passionate messages have touched millions of hearts across the globe. The majority are short affirmations accompanied by Kaur’s beautiful line drawings that are aesthetically pleasing while scrolling through Instagram.

Rupi Kaur’s art is simple and addresses her South Asian identity, immigration, and femininity. She also draws inspiration from her childhood and personal life. These Rupi Kaur quotes perfectly highlight just why her words resonate so well with people.

Rupi Kaur Quotes On Self Love

Rupi Kaur has been publishing poetry on love, heartbreak, and womanhood since 2013, and they are ideal examples of the self-care movement. Rupi Kaur has a way of putting words together that will remind you to love yourself. Here are some of her poems and quotes on self-love.

“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“You do not just wake up and become the butterfly—growth is a process.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers

“You must want to spend the rest of your life with yourself first.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“A lot of times we are angry at other people for not doing what we should have done for ourselves.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers

“We have been dying since we got here and forgot to enjoy the view- live fully.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers
Rupi Kaur Quotes On Self Love
“My heart is beating, and I’m breathing, and nothing anybody has ever done has changed that.”
Source: Milk and Honey

“The world gives you so much pain and here you are making gold out of it – there is nothing purer than that.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“If you are not enough for yourself you will never be enough for someone else.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“And here you are living despite it all.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers

Rupi Kaur Love Quotes

Poetry is a medium that is used to express love, more than anything else, and Rupi Kaur has made the most of it. She not only writes amazing poems about self-love and feminism, but she also writes fantastic love poems which will surely resonate with you.

“He placed his hands on my mind before reaching for my waist my hips or my lips. he didn’t call me beautiful first he called me exquisite.
– how he touches me”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“Nothing is safer than the sound of you, reading aloud to me — the perfect date.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey
Rupi Kaur Love Quotes
“People go but how they left always stays.”
Source: Milk and Honey

“I could be anything in the world but I wanted to be his.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers

“There is a difference between someone telling you they love you and them actually loving you.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“Love does not look like a person love is our actions love is giving all we can even if it’s just the bigger slice of cake.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers

“Accept that you deserve more than painful love. Life is moving, the healthiest thing for your heart is to move with it.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“When death takes my hand I will hold you with the other and promise to find you in every lifetime.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers
Rupi Kaur Love Quotes
“She was a rose in the hands of those who had no intention of keeping her.”
Source: Milk and Honey

“You left and I wanted you still, yet I deserved someone who was willing to stay.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers

“You might not have been my first love but you were the love that made all other loves seem irrelevant.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

Rupi Kaur Quotes On Life

In her late 20s, Rupi Kaur has a mature voice in capturing the depth of life through her poems. This is why her poems are incredibly quotable, able to convey great emotion with simple language. Here are some of her quotes on life that will inspire you.

“Our backs tell stories no books have the spine to carry.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“Let it go let it leave let it happen. Nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers

“What is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: The Sun and Her Flowers
Rupi Kaur Quotes On Life
“Do not bother holding onto that thing that does not want you-you cannot make it stay.”
Source: Milk and Honey

“Growing up, I naturally embraced who I was, but I was always battling with myself. So I spent half my time being proud of being a woman and the other half completely hating it.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“I thank the universe for taking everything it has taken and giving to me everything it is giving – balance.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“If you were born with the weakness to fall, you were born with the strength to rise.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“People say things meant to rip you in half, but you hold the power to not turn their words into a knife and cut yourself.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

Rupi Kaur Milk and Honey Quotes

Rupi Kaur is most known for her two collections of poetry, Milk and Honey and The Sun and Her Flowers, which have both been #1 New York Times bestsellers. “Milk and Honey” is a critically acclaimed novel that has sold over a million copies around the world and has been translated into over thirty languages. Here are some of the most-loved poems and quotes from the book.

Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey
“I am a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut.”
Source: Milk and Honey

“Do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“You tell me to quiet down cause my opinions make me less beautiful but I was not made with a fire in my belly so I could be put out I was not made with a lightness on my tongue so I could be easy to swallow. I was made heavy half blade and half silk difficult to forget and not easy for the mind to follow.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“The kindest words my father said to me
Women like you drown oceans.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“Stay strong through your pain, grow flowers from it. You have helped me grow flowers out of mine. So bloom beautifully, dangerously, loudly; bloom softly. However you need, just bloom.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

“For you to see beauty here does not mean there is beauty in me. it means there is beauty rooted so deep within you, you can’t help but see it everywhere.”

Rupi Kaur
Source: Milk and Honey

And there you have it! Rupi Kaur is popular because she says things that many people can relate to but can’t put into words. Not only that, but as a woman, especially a lady of South Asian origin, she empowers and represents many people.

If these Rupi Kaur quotes have inspired you, then you should also check out these 40 Most Powerful and Inspiring Frida Kahlo Quotes!

Luke Franklin

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