With Images 30 Ruby Bridges Quotes On Racism

Ruby Bridges” by “TEDx NapaValley“, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Ruby Nell Bridges was born in Tylertown, Mississippi, United States, on September 8, 1954. When Ruby was born, the US Supreme Court abolished racial segregation in schools. Her impoverished family had decided to relocate to New Orleans in the hopes of a better life. After several years, New Orleans conducted a test for black students, and if they passed, they would be enrolled in a white school. Bridges were one of the six students who passed the test, but her parents were concerned about sending her to an all-white school, fearful for her safety because white families were hostile to black people.

Throughout the entire year, Ruby was the only student in her class since white parents pulled their children from school on the second day. No teachers were willing to teach Ruby except Barbara Henry. Despite all odds, Barbara decided to educate Ruby on her own for an entire year, with Ruby as her only student in the classroom. Ruby eventually graduated from high school and went on to work as a travel agent.

Despite the objections, she became a hero among all black children for her courage in enrolling in an all-white school as the first black student. Even though she had to face a mob of enraged white people every day, Ruby persevered and became a civil rights hero. Her work paved the way for generations of African-American students to gain equal access to education.

Below is a list of her sayings that have inspired many people. Read and enjoy these Ruby Bridges quotes.

Ruby Bridges Inspirational Quotes

From the beginning, Ruby was brave enough to rise against societal odds. Her actions have inspired many people all over the globe. Here are some of the best Ruby Bridges inspirational quotes that will keep you motivated.

God makes each of us unique in ways that go much deeper.”


“Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail.”


“When you start a new trail equipped with courage, strength and conviction, the only thing that can stop you is you!”


“My mother had taught me that the only thing you could depend on was your faith, and I had that.”


“I now know that experience comes to us for a purpose, and if we follow the guidance of the spirit within us, we will probably find that the purpose is a good one.”

Ruby Bridges Inspirational Quotes
“We may not all be equally guilty. But we are all equally responsible for building a decent and just society.”

“Evil isn’t prejudiced. It doesn’t care what you look like; it just wants a place to rest. It’s up to you whether you give it that place.”


“Each and every one of us is born with a clean heart.”


Wisdom is a gift but has nothing to do with age.”


Ruby Bridges Quotes on Racism

From facing racism at a very young age to becoming a civil rights hero, Ruby has always tried to make people understand the evils of racism. She believed firmly that we are responsible for passing on this to the next generation. Here are some Ruby Bridges quotes on racism that teach us valuable lessons.

“Schools should be diverse if we are to get past racial differences.”


Racism is a form of hate. We pass it on to our young people. When we do that, we are robbing children of their innocence.”

Ruby Bridges Quotes on Racism
“Our babies know nothing about hate or racism.”

“We keep racism alive. We pass it on to our children. We owe it to our children to help them keep their clean start.”


“If kids have the opportunity to come together to get to know one another, they can judge for themselves who they want their friends to be. All children should have that choice. We, as adults, shouldn’t make those choices for children. That’s how racism starts.”


“Racism is a grown-up disease and we must stop using our children to spread it.”


“Never judge people by the color of their skin.”


“I think that racism is ugly and so unfair, and I believe that we all need one another.”

Ruby Bridges Quotes on Racism
“My message is really that racism has no place in the hearts and minds of our children.”

More Ruby Bridges Quotes

Ruby was the eldest of five siblings. Most of her time was spent looking after her younger kin. Here are some more Ruby Bridges quotes inspired by her life.

“I believe it doesn’t do yourself any good to hate.”


“Please God, forgive these people because even if they say those mean things they don’t know what they’re doing.”


“I believe that we’re going to find that we are closer, more connected than we are apart.”


“We have tolerance, respect, and equality in our written laws but not in the hearts of some of our people.”


“All of our schools should be good enough to attract a healthy racial mix, which, I believe, leads to the most effective learning for everybody.”

More Ruby Bridges Quotes
“I believe that we have to come together, and we have to rely on the goodness of each other.”

“We all have a common enemy, and it is evil.”


“I do think that some people are born as old souls.”


“It looked like diamonds, rubies, emeralds; he could think of nothing beautiful which it did not resemble.”


“A lot of my strength came from my upbringing.”


“The person that impacted my life the most would have to have been my father because he shaped me into who I am today.”

More Ruby Bridges Quotes
“I would dream that this coffin had wings, and it would fly around my bed at night, and so it was a dream that happened a lot, and that’s what frightened me.”

For a 6-year-old child, it would have been so difficult to experience discrimination at school. Her perseverance and courage enabled her to continue her studies despite all of this. Her experiences were depicted in Norman Rockwell’s painting “The Problem We All Live With,” which shows her walking to class while being escorted by federal marshals and became a symbol of civil rights movements.

Let us know which one of these Ruby Bridges quotes is your favorite.

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Curated by: Divya Singh

Nitesh Kucchal

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