40 Positive Trust God Quotes to Make You Feel Better

Trust God, by, Sharon Tate Soberon, is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

As we go through life, it’s important to remember that we are not alone. God is always with us, watching over us and guiding us. We can trust God to help us through whatever challenges we face.

When we trust God, we are putting our faith in Him. We are believing that He is good and that He will take care of us. Trusting God can be hard at times, but it is always worth it. When we trust God, we are showing Him that we believe in His love for us.

God loves each one of us unconditionally. No matter what we have done, God will always love us. His love for us is perfect and complete. We can trust Him to forgive us and to help us through our challenges.

If you trust God in every good or bad phase of your life, you should definitely check out these Trust God Quotes.

  1. Positive Trust God Quotes
  2. I Trust God Quotes
  3. Stop Worrying And Trust God Quotes
  4. Short Trust God Quotes

Positive Trust God Quotes

God is always there for us. He will never leave us or forsake us. We can always count on Him to be our strength and our support. When we trust God, we can rest assured that He will never let us down. If you have such positive trust in God, you read these quotes.

“The more you believe and trust God, the more limitless your possibilities become for your family, your career – for your life!”


“God loves you so much that he is willing to hold something from you for the perfect time!”


“God has a plan for you and even if you cannot see where it is going, trust Him and follow where He leads you.” 


“It is possible to do the impossible when you trust in the God of all possibilities.”


“Our trust protects us from becoming helpless victims of circumstance. Through faith, we see God’s faithfulness.”


“God wants us to trust Him and put all of our circumstances in His hands as we believe that He is working them out for good.”


“You must also keep your faith in God to guide you forward if the way is not clear. Whether the journey is long or short, He will help you as long as you place your trust in Him.”


“The only way we will learn to trust God is by getting to know God. When our understanding of him is deficient, we are going to view him wrongly.”


“God doesn’t give you the people you want, he gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you the person you were meant to be.”


“Let your life reflect the faith you have in God. Fear nothing and pray about everything. Be strong, trust God’s word, and trust the process.”

It’s amazing what we can do if we will trust God enough to step out of our comfort zones!
“It’s amazing what we can do if we will trust God enough to step out of our comfort zones!”

I Trust God Quotes

When life gets tough, we all need someone to lean on. Someone who will never let us down, no matter what. That someone is God. He is always there for us, even when we don’t realize it. If you always keep your faith in God regardless of your situation, read these quotes.

“God does speak to us and we need to develop a listening ear and recognize His voice. We need to trust Him and take action on what we hear.”


“I just find myself happy with the simple things. Appreciating the blessings God gave me.”


“God brought people into my life when I needed them. As long as I cast my cares upon Him and trust Him everything will turn out all right.”


“He taught me that if I wanted to be successful in life I had to trust in God, work hard, and to always do something to help others.”


“I have complete confidence that God is able to take care of any situation and provide an answer to any question or problem – He has all the resources of the universe to draw upon in helping each one of us through any type of crisis if we will trust Him.” 

God did not give me everything that I wanted. But, He gave me everything that I needed!
“God did not give me everything that I wanted. But, He gave me everything that I needed!”

Stop Worrying And Trust God Quotes

Trusting God is the best decision we can ever make. His love for us is perfect and He will never let us down. No matter what challenges we face in life, we can trust God to help us through them. He is always with us and His love for us is perfect and complete. Trusting God is the best decision we could ever make! These quotes might help you forget all your worries and put your trust in God.

“God knows how to turn things around. He can turn your sorrow into joy – just let him in.”


“When you have favor on your life, God will always place people on your path to help you along the way.”


“I don’t know what God has planned for me or you or anyone, but I do know that in darkness, you discover an indistinguishable light.”


 “Don’t worry about other people’s opinions of you. God never told you to impress people; only to love them.” 


“Don’t lose your self worth or faith in God no matter how many critics rise against you.”


“Trusting God does not mean believing he will do what you want, but rather believing he will do everything he knows is good.”


“Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it but also the father who wipes away the tears.”


“Instead of worrying, we’re to thank God for his promise to work everything together for good, trusting in his sovereign grace.”


Everything happens for a reason. Wait on God and trust in Him. He wants the best for us. He wants to take us from glory to glory, and from victory to victory.”


“There is great value to the trials we have to endure as we learn to trust God during our times of greatest weakness.”


“Every difficulty you face, in every waiting place, you’re being given the chance to trust in the things unseen and to be abundantly blessed.”

Don't worry if you are already in the middle of a personal storm, it is never too late to put your trust in Jesus.
“Don’t worry if you are already in the middle of a personal storm, it is never too late to put your trust in Jesus.”

Short Trust God Quotes

Here are some short but deep quotes to help you understand the importance of trusting God in any situtaion.

“Keep the right perspective: it’s all good. This boils down to trusting God.”


“God also wants us to understand who He is and in that understanding to be still and trust Him.”


“You need to learn how to RELAX and trust what God has for you.”


“You can trust God and have faith in Him to always be faithful to you.”


“We are not worthy of his love yet because we trust him it is our inheritance.”


“Keep trusting God. He will lead you in every step of the journey.”


“Pray with love and trust that God always answers prayers.”


“God’s grace is sufficient for those that believe and trust in Him until the end.” 


“Put your trust and faith in God and not everyone, because God who created and is guiding you and not people.”


“The truth is God owns everything anyway; He simply trusts us with what is really His.” 

Since God is powerful and loving, trust him. Rely on him for your purpose in life.
“Since God is powerful and loving, trust him. Rely on him for your purpose in life.”

Life can be difficult, but we don’t have to go through it alone. We can trust God to help us through anything that we face. When we put our faith in Him, we are showing Him how much we believe in His love for us. He will never leave us or forsake us; He is always there for us.

Hope these inspiring Trust in God quotes help you strengthen your faith in God!

What is your reason of trust in God? Tell us in the comments!

Nitesh Kucchal

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