77 Deep Trust Broken Quotes on Marriage and Friendship

Trust Broken” by “Kumar’s Edit“, licensed under “CC BY 2.0

Any building’s foundation strength determines how strong it can stand at its full height. The bridges are subject to the same rules. And if you observe a tree, you will notice that it only continues to be strong for a very long period if its root system is powerful.

Here are some broken trust quotes that will help you understand the importance of trust.

Deep Trust Broken Quotes

Trust can sometimes take a long time to develop, but if it is betrayed, the relationship can end quickly. It will be crucial for you to trust your partner first if you are currently in a relationship or are considering doing so. Here are some deep trust broken quotes.

“Don’t trust the person who has broken faith once.”


“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.”


“Once trust is broken, some attitudes would have to be changed because they are needed to establish trust.”


“It takes a lot of truth to gain trust but just one lie to lose it all.”


“There’s ways you can trust an enemy you can’t always trust a friend. An enemy’s never going to betray your trust.”


“Trust but verify”.

Ronald Reagan

“You will never understand the damage you did to someone until the same thing is done to you. That’s why I’m here.”

Deep Trust Broken Quotes
“I’m a good enough person to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again.”

“That’s the thing about trust. It’s like broken glass. You can put it back together, but the cracks are always visible–like scars that never fully heal.”


“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.”


Trust Broken Relationships Quotes

All relationships are built on the foundation of trust. Over time, the foundation will collapse if that rock is chipped away by lies. Any relationship where trust has been betrayed needs both parties’ commitment to repairing the partnership’s damage. This procedure is not one-sided.

Here are some trust broken relationships quotes.

“When trust is broken, there is not any medicine to recover that again, as it was before, even you try hard to gain back”


“Pain changes people, it makes them trust less, overthink more, and shut people out.”


“Sometimes trusting a friend is the hardest thing to do, even the closest friends can become enemies.”


“The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you’re not worth the truth.”


Sorry” works when a mistake is made, but not when trust is broken. So in life, make mistakes but never break trust. Because forgiving is easy, but forgetting and trusting again is sometimes impossible.”

Trust Broken Relationships Quotes
“Broken trust doesn’t have to mean the end of your story. It’s time to write the next chapter.”

“It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.”


“Betrayal is the worst… and the key to moving past it is to identify what led up to it in the first place.”


“People have to pretend you’re a bad person so they don’t feel guilty about the things they did to you.”


“Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it’s broken, but you can still see the crack in that reflection.”


“A relationship without trust is like having a phone with no service.”


“I trusted you but now your words mean nothing because your actions spoke the truth.”

Trust Broken Relationships Quotes
“How can people trust the harvest unless they see it sown?”

“Every time I use my heart in deciding to trust someone, I end up broken and hurt.”


“Everything has reasons for happening; you are being lied to so eventually you will learn to trust only yourself.”


“Trusting too much could hurt you, but not trusting enough could torment you through life.”


“Only trust those who deserve to be trusted, not all men are worthy of it.”


“Paper, once crumpled, can never be the same piece again, just like trust.”


Painful Broken Friendship Trust Quotes

When years of trust are shattered in a matter of minutes, it hurts a lot. Some people can accept this, while others cannot. Keep in mind that having faith in a relationship is the simplest approach to appreciate it.

Here are some painful broken friendship trust quotes.

“It’s not about who is real to your face.”


“Due to success I started losing friends.”


“One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go.”

Painful Broken Friendship Trust Quotes
“Most things disappoint until you look deeper.”

“Lovers have a right to betray your friends don’t.”


“Betrayal is universal for people with no principle.”


“I’m not crying because of you; you’re not worth it.”


“People can disappoint you or they can surprise you.”


“I’ve been stabbed in the back by those I needed most.”


“Be careful who you trust… the devil was once an angel.”


“Forgiveness doesn’t always lead to healed relationships.”

Painful Broken Friendship Trust Quotes
“Closed eyes, heart not beating, but a living love.”

“Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectation.”


“Assuming is the root of all disappointments.”


“A special friend is hard to find, hard to lose and impossible to forget.”


“Sometimes it’s not the people who change, It’s the mask that falls off.”


“I’m losing friends ’cause people are catching feelings I’m not catching.”


“That friendship will not continue to the end which is begun for an end.


“Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you, fear the fake friend that hugs you.”

Painful Broken Friendship Trust Quotes
“It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.”

“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.”


“The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren’t worth the truth.”


Friendship Broken Trust Quotes

Rebuilding trust after a friend betrays you isn’t always simple because betrayal and loss sentiments might remain. If there is no longer any trust between you, you must decide together whether you are willing to repair the relationship or walk away and allow the friendship to end. Here are some friendship broken trust quotes.

“You broke my trust, and it was my entire mistake because I trusted you completely.”


“Trust should be established first before betrayal can take place.”


“I can forgive you but I will never trust you again.”


“You should stop thinking about the people who ruined the trust you gave them.”


“I fear that when I start getting close to you, you would also leave me like the others did.

Friendship Broken Trust Quotes
“There are no regrets that I met you, I only regret giving my trust to you.”

“If you fooled me once the shame is on you. If you fooled me twice then the shame is on me.”


“Trust may be tough, but all the doubt in the world came from broken trust.”


“I find it difficult to trust people, so when I give my trust to you I hope you would not make me regret it.”


“Just stop apologizing if you are going to do it again.”


Broken Trust in Marriage Quotes 

Feeling secure with another person is the foundation of trust in a close relationship. The relationship between a husband and wife might suffer greatly from infidelity, deception, or unfulfilled promises.

Here are some broken trust in marriage quotes.

“A perfect happy marriage is simply two imperfect people loving each other and refusing to give up on each other no matter what.”

Broken Trust in Marriage Quotes 
“A happy marriage is a union of two good forgivers.”

“The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.”


“Your marriage is a glorious bond but don’t take it as an easy task. It is meant to be worked upon – similar to all of your other relationships.”


“Who we marry is one of the most important decisions in life. One that will influence the level of happiness, growth, and success, like no other choice.”

Nathan Workman

 “Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.”


“Marriage is the most natural state of man and the state in which you will find solid happiness.”


“The person you choose to marry will have a great influence in your life and in the decisions you make from the point of marriage onwards.”


“A lasting relationship isn’t about marriage. It’s about compatibility and communication. And you both need to want it to work.” 

Goldie Hawn

“We had a happy marriage because we were together all the time. We were friends as well as husband and wife. We just had a good time.”

Broken Trust in Marriage Quotes 
“Marriage doesn’t make you happy, you make your marriage happy.”

“When I’m weak, you can be strong; when I’m strong, you can be weak. That’s what I believe marriage is.” 

Gisele Bundchen

A healthy relationship must have trust, yet trust doesn’t develop overnight. It’s also challenging to repair once it’s broken. It could be beneficial to consider trust as a decision that must be made. Someone cannot be made to trust you. Until someone proves they are deserving of your trust, you could decide not to provide it to them.

We hope you liked these broken trust quotes.

If you liked reading these trust broken quotes, you can also have a look at these 50 Husband Quotes On Love, Cheating, Neglection & More

Curated by: Divya Singh

Luke Franklin

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