50 One-Sided Sad Love Quotes which are Heart Touching

Sad Love“, by Reji, is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

When you love someone deeply and they don’t love you back, it can feel like your world is ending. Your heart feels like it’s been ripped out of your chest and stomped on. You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, you can’t
focus on anything else. You can only think about that person and how much you want them to love you back.

It’s painful, it’s gut-wrenching, and it’s hard to see a way out. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Surround yourself with people who love and support you and do not let this hurt get the better of you. Cry your heart out if you need to, but don’t forget that you are strong and will get through this. Sad love is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to define you.

Here is a compilation of some Sad Love Quotes to make you feel, express yourself and eventually lead you on a path to healing.

Heart Touching Sad Love Quotes

Sad love can be so difficult to bear. The pain of a broken heart can feel like it will never go away. But it is important to remember that time heals all wounds. Sad love is a part of life, and it is essential to feel the pain in order to move on. Here are some Heart Touching Sad Love Quotes.

“True Love Burns The Brightest, But The Brightest Flames Leave The Deepest Scars Inside You.”


“The Saddest Thing Is To Be A Passing Moment To Someone When You’ve Made Them Your Eternity.”


It Hurts When You Have Someone In Your Heart But Can’t Have In Your Arms.


“I thought that you would always be in, my life, but you disappeared as if you had never been there. only the memories linger.


I will wait for you until the day I can forget you or until the day you realize you can’t forget me.”

Heart Touching Sad Love Quotes
“I think the worst feeling in the world is to be forgotten by the one you could never forget.”

“It was so hard for me to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.”


“I feel like crying every time I think of you… it ruins my day, all my days.”


“Life Without love is a slow way to freeze to death.”


“I love crying in the rain. because when I do, nobody can hear the pain.”


“My life is without love now and it feels like no life at all.”

Heart Touching Sad Love Quotes
“You took my heart and broke it. All the pieces shattered and my mending is slow and painful.”

“My Heart IS Hollow, My Days Are Empty, My Life Is Devoid of any joy while away from you. oh, how much I miss you.”


“No matter how many people contact you in a day, if the person you really care hasn’t contacted you, you still feel lonely and sad.”


“Trying to forget you is like swimming against the current of the river. The harder I try, the faster I get tired and get swept back to you.”


Crying is how our heart speaks, when your lips can’t explain the pain.


“Sadness is Missing someone, who is probably not thinking about you.”

Heart Touching Sad Love Quotes
“Sadness is.. when one person called you best friend than the other moment they treat you like just a friend.”

“Sadness is when they are online but not with you, not for you.”


“Ignorance is much better than fakeness.”


“Is easy to type all our feelings in the message box. But it’s hard to press the send button.”


“Sadness is seeing your bestie crying and you’re not able to console her.”


“Now A Days People Are Socially Connected, Practically Alone And Mentally Disturbed.”

Heart Touching Sad Love Quotes
“Love is Weird. We fail for the one, Who Don’t Care about us.”

“With broken Thoughts, Frozen Hearts, We Live.”


Sad Love Failure Quotes 

The pain and hurt can be so overwhelming that it can feel like you will never recover. If you are going through a sad love experience, know that you are not alone. Many people have gone through the same thing and have come out the other side. Here are some Sad Love Failure Quotes.

“It literally hurts when you have someone in your heart, but in reality, you can’t have them in your arms.”


 One thing I learned in life… you can be important to someone but not all the time.


“Don’t be much closer to anyone, because a small change in their ‘behavior’ hurts a lot.


“What is love? Don’t ask a person who loves someone ask a person who has lost someone.

Sad Love Failure Quotes 
“A painful heart will always have a beautiful smile.”

 I know you don’t love me, but my heart doesn’t understand…!!


 Learn to be alone not everyone will stay forever.


You gave me the best and worst memories…


“Girls know, how to love a boy… But they don’t know, how to forget the boy they love…


Love never fails, people fail on love!

Sad Love Failure Quotes 
Don’t cry for that person who doesn’t the value of your tears.”

“The worst feeling in the world is sitting next to the person that means the world to you and knowing that you mean nothing to them.


“I tried to forget about you, but the harder I tried, the more I thought about you.


I am standing in the rain, still looking for someplace to hide the tears.


After the breakup, girls easily start their new life with a new guy… But for boys, it is very hard to forget their love.


I tried my best, I guess it is still not enough to make you stay.


 Boys don’t know how to show their love, but their love is true.


Sad One-Sided Love Quotes

Sad love is feeling like you’re invisible like you don’t matter. It’s feeling alone even when you’re with someone. Sad love is never having your love returned. Sad love is unrequited love. Sad love is the hardest love of all. Here are some Sad One Sided Love Quotes for you.

“If you want me falling for you, then you have to give me something worth tripping over.”

Sad One-Sided Love Quotes
“Would it be inhumane to wish you sadness, that I may bring me happiness?”

“People do incredible things for love, particularly for unrequited love”


 “My life has been a continuum of unanswered prayers and you bear the largest portion of that.”


“I’ll never leave your side, until one day you’ll always see me beside you and finally embrace me with your love.”


“A beautiful day is waiting outside your door. So, wake up and be a part of it. Your life will be full of love on this day. Good morning!”


“It hurts, and I cannot fathom the reason why you hold my joy so much in your hands.”


“People will hold your hand through the darkness but then let go when they find the light.”


Sad love can be the hardest thing to deal with. It can feel like the world is crashing down around you and that you’ll never be able to pick yourself back up again. But it’s important to remember that this is just a phase. It will eventually end and you’ll be able to move on with your life. In the meantime, try to take some time for yourself. Sad love can be a difficult thing to deal with, but you’ll get through it.

Just keep your head up and believe in yourself. You can do it!

If you liked these Sad Love Quotes, make sure to check out these 50 Inspirational Body Positivity Quotes For Self Love & More

Luke Franklin

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