25 Motivational John Wick Quotes From The Movie

Keanu Reeves” by “Anna Hanks“, licensed under CC BY 2.0

The John Wick film series is one of the best action-packed movie series to watch. This franchise is known for its top-notch action scenes and dialogues, which are the backbone of its emotions and character-building. John Wick, played by Keanu Reeves, is represented as an unstoppable and deadly force in the film. His serious badass look and style in the movie make his fans crazy. Check out some of the best John Wick quotes from the movie, which will make you thrilled and excited.

The John Wick franchise tells the tale of a retired Hitman who goes on vengeance for his killed puppy. The story focuses on how John Wick searches for the men who killed his puppy, which was the last gift from his late wife, Helen. Check out this amazing collection of John Wick quotes which will make you watch this thrilling action film again.

Here are some of the best John Wick quotes, the likes of which you won’t ever see in other action movies.

John Wick Movie Quotes

Having some of the greatest action scenes and dialogues, John Wick is one of the best movies of all time. Here are some of the best quotes from the movie which will really make you thrilled.

“People keep asking if I’m back. And I haven’t really had an answer. But now, yeah, I’m thinkin’ I’m back!”


“Do I look civilized to you?”


“This life…follows you. It clings to you. Infecting everyone that comes close to you. We are cursed, you and I.”


“That “fuckin’ nobody”… is John Wick. He once was an associate of ours. They call him ‘Baba Yaga.’”


“Are you scared of the fuckin’ boogeyman? I’m not.”

John Wick Movie Quotes
“So I guess you have a choice. You want a war? Or do you wanna just give me a gun?”

“You don’t want me owing you.”


“Winston… tell them… Tell them all… Whoever comes, whoever it is… I’ll kill them. I’ll kill them all.”


“The knife is in your aorta. You pull it out, you will bleed and you will die. Consider this a professional courtesy.”


“I can assure you that the stories you hear about John Wick, if nothing else, have been watered down.”


John Wick 3 Quotes

Parabellum was the third part of the John Wick Franchise, a blockbuster movie. Check out some of the best quotes from the John Wick 3 movie, which are the fan’s favourite.

“Consider your origins, you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.”

John Wick 3 Quotes
“Life is suffering.”

“Sometimes you have to kill what you love.”


“If you want peace, prepare for war.”


“I still have time.”


“I have served. I will be of service.”


“They are about to learn that if you cut a king, you better cut him to the quick.”


Motivational John Wick Quotes

John Wick is an inspiring movie that shows love, emotions, and revenge differently. Check out some of the best motivational john wick quotes from the movie.

Motivational John Wick Quotes
“John is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will, something you know very little about.”

“There’s no rhyme or reason to this life. It’s days like today scattered among the rest.”


“People don’t change. You know that. Times, they do.”


“You stabbed the devil in the back. To him, this isn’t vengeance; this is justice.”


“I want to live to remember Helen. To remember us.”


“Rules. Without them, we live with the animals.”

Motivational John Wick Quotes
“The man. The myth. The legend. John Wick. You’re not very good at retiring.”

“I’m not that guy anymore.”


John Wick is one of the most terrific action-packed movies of all time. The movie is based on how John Wick takes revenge for his lost puppy, Daisy, which was the only gift from his late wife. This movie is a wonderful example of how strong emotions can make us act boldly and without regrets. This movie depicts the nature of revenge, grief and loss. 

You can also check out these 30 The Fault In Our Stars Quotes From The Book & Movie!

Curated by: Piyush Kesarwani

Nitesh Kucchal

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