

Growing up in the Prophet Muhammad’s home, Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib received the highest education possible (Peace be upon him). Therefore, you can see his portrayal of Hazrat Ali and how impressive it was. Any generation of Muslims, and non-believers, will find enormous value in and inspiration from Imam Ali’s words.

After Khadijah (RA), Hazrat Imam Ali (R.A.) was the first member of the Prophet’s (PBUH) family to convert to Islam, and he did so at a very young age. Here are some Imam Ali quotes that will motivate you to be the best version of yourself.

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Imam Ali Friendship Quotes

“Don’t develop friendship with the enemy of your friend; otherwise your friend will turn into an enemy.”

“He who is deserted by friends and relatives will often find help and sympathy from strangers.”

“Jealousy by a friend means defect in his love.”

“A friend cannot be considered a friend until he is tested in three occasions: in time of need, behind your back, and after your death,”

Imam Ali Quotes About Life

Life can be unpredictable. And even if there can be obstacles in the way of success, it’s crucial to keep going despite the understanding that failure and mistakes are unavoidable.

Here are some Imam Ali quotes about life.

“Do for this life as if you live forever, do for the afterlife as if you die tomorrow.”

“Remembering Allah is the light of intellect, the life of the souls, and the polishing of the hearts.”

“When the people of truth remain quiet against falsehood, the people of falsehood start believing it is the truth.”

“The tongue is like a lion, if you let it loose, it will wound someone.”

“Greed is permanent slavery.”

“Do not criticize too much. Too much criticism leads to hate and bad behavior.”

“Sometimes your prayers are turned down, because you often, unknowingly, ask for things that are really harmful to you.”

“Beautiful people are not always good, but good people are always beautiful.”

“If you don’t know a thing, never hesitate or feel ashamed to learn it.”

“See the bad inside yourself, and see the good inside others.”

“The strongest amongst you is he who subdues himself.”

“Don’t use the sharpness of your speech on the mother who taught you how to speak.”

“Fear Allah and you will have no cause to fear anyone else.”

“People are of two types: They are either your brothers in faith or your brothers in humanity.”

“See the bad inside yourself, and see the good inside others.”

“Don’t be slave of others when Allah has created you free.”

“A person’s true patience is shown in a time of anger.”

“Don’t follow the majority, follow the truth.”

“Don’t talk about your riches in front of poor.”

“Don’t talk about your good health in front of the sick.”

“The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget.”

“You must be humble, as it is one of the greatest forms of worship.”

“Don’t go there, where you don’t have respect. Even they serve you food in gold plates and silver spoons.”

“A wise man first thinks and then speaks and a fool speaks first and then thinks.”

“Death is near and our mutual company is short.”

“There are two ways to live a pleasant life, either in someone’s heart or someone’s prayer.”

“Jealousy is the worst disease.”

“Poverty is the worst form of death.”

Imam Ali Quotes on Knowledge

Knowledge is understood to be information or understanding of a subject that you get via study or experience. We hope these Imam Ali quotes on knowledge motivate you to develop into a well-informed, proactive individual. We hope these lovely words may open your eyes to a new way of looking at knowledge and wisdom.

“Don’t hate what you don’t know, for the greater part of knowledge consists of what you don’t know.”

“There is no good in silence when it comes to knowledge, just as there is no good in speaking when it comes to ignorance.”

“Knowledge is better than wealth, Knowledge protects you but with wealth you have to protect it.”

“Don’t show pleasure in somebody’s downfall, for you have no knowledge of what the future holds in store for you.”

Imam Ali Quotes about Love

Love is a feeling so pious and pure. Intimacy, passion, and commitment are characteristics of the set of feelings and actions that make up love. Care, proximity, protection, attraction, affection, and trust are all components of it.

Here are some Imam Ali quotes about love.

“It is easier to turn a mountain into dust than to create love in a heart that is filled with hatred.”

“If you remember someone when you are happy, then just know that you love them and if you remember someone when you are sad then just know that they love you.”

“Keep in touch with the one who has forgotten you, and forgive those who wronged you, and do not stop praying for the best for those who love you.”

Imam Ali was the first male to embrace Islam under Muhammad’s teaching and was born in the most sacred location in Islam, Kaaba, Mecca. In terms of politics and spirituality, Ali is significant to both Sunnis and Shias.

We hope you loved reading these Imam Ali quotes.

If you enjoyed reading these quotes, be sure to check out these 40 Inspirational Prophet Muhammad Quotes on Life and Knowledge

Luke Franklin

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