50 Inspirational Superman Quotes For True Superhero Lovers

Superman” by “JD Hancock“, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Superman is a fictional superhero character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. He is a part of DC comics and often appears in stories alongside other superheroes. Check out these exciting superman quotes that’ll make you thrilled and excited.

Superman was born on a planet named Krypton. He was sent to earth by his parents moments before Krypton was destroyed. Then he was adopted by farmers Jonathan and Martha Kent, who named him Clark Kent. Here are some of the best Superman quotes that are his fans’ favorites.

Check out some of the best Superman quotes that shows why he is a true hero to humanity.

Inspirational Superman Quotes

Superman is a hero who inspires everyone with his superhero abilities. We have some of the best superman quotes that’ll inspire you to be like him.

“I once thought I could protect the world by myself. But I was wrong. Working together, we saved the planet.”


“No matter where you go in life there’s always going to be the one person that wants to bring you down, so stay strong and face your problems instead of running away.”


“You’re much stronger than you think you are. Trust me.”


“I believe that if we stay together, as a team, we would be a force that could truly work for the ideals of peace and justice.”


“Every action you’ve taken has been selfish, destructive, in a word: evil. You don’t fight for others, “Superboy”. You only fight for yourself.”

Inspirational Superman Quotes
“Do good to others and every man can be a Superman.”

“You’re going to change the world.”


“The ‘amazing’ can only be created by facing fear, risk, and failure during the process.”


“It’s going to happen, people are going to talk and that’s great. If people are talking, they’re being entertained in one way or another, so carry on.”


“There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.”


“It’s not about where you were born or the powers you have or what you wear in your chest; it’s about what you do.”

Inspirational Superman Quotes
“I’m here to fight for truth and justice.”

“What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and the maturity to use the power wisely.”


“It’s never as bad as it seems.”


“Only the weak succumb to brutality.”


Batman Vs Superman Quotes

Batman vs Superman was a great movie. We have some of the best Batman vs Superman quotes from that movie that you’ll enjoy.

“The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world: God versus man, day versus night, Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham!”


“I’ll take you in without breaking you, which is more than you deserve.”

Batman Vs Superman Quotes
“The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness, that turns good men… cruel.”

“No one stays good in this world.”


“That is a three syllable word for any thought too big for little minds.”


“If God is all-powerful, He cannot be all good. And if He is all good, then He cannot be all-powerful.”


“Criminals are like weeds, Alfred: pull one up, another grows in its place.”


“Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator? It’s that power can be innocent.”

Batman Vs Superman Quotes
“You say that you want to help people, but you can’t feel their pain, their mortality. It’s time you learn what it means to be a man.”

“Men are still good. We fight, we kill, we betray one another, but we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to.”


Meaningful Superman Quotes

Check out some of the best superman quotes that have insightful meaning about life.

“Nobody has the right to kill…not you…not Superman. Especially not Superman.”


“I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard, always taking constant care not to break something to break someone, or someone could die.”


“Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later.”


“You’ve grown stronger here than I ever could have imagined. The only way to know how strong you are is to keep testing your limits.”

Meaningful Superman Quotes
“The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you’re okay.”

“I want the means to stop me in the hands of a man I can trust with my life.”


“But if there is a solution to hunger, it must be one that comes from the compassionate heart of a man and extends outward towards his fellow man.”


“Krypton Bred me, but it was earth that gave me all I am.”


“I believe in second chances, I believe in redemption, but, mostly, I believe in my friends.”


“There is a right and a wrong in this universe. And that distinction is not hard to make.”


More Superman Quotes

If you loved reading the above superman quotes, we have some more amazing quotes that you’ll enjoy reading.

More Superman Quotes
“You’re right! taking lives is something I definitely find offensive!”

“I know there are bad men in power and the world is not an equitable place — But you can’t throw morality in the garbage just because life’s tough!”


“To catch them if they fall.”


“It doesn’t take X-Ray vision to see you are up to no good.”


“So many of our dreams seem impossible, they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will they soon become inevitable.”


“Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us.”

More Superman Quotes
“You will be different, sometimes you’ll feel like an outcast, but you’ll never be alone.”

“On my soul I swear until my dream of a world where dignity, honor, and justice becomes the reality we all share, I’ll never stop fighting. Ever!”


“The Welfare of Earth and all the people will always be my primary concern.”


“Well, I know you didn’t bring me back ’cause you like me.”


“You’re scared of me because you can’t control me but that doesn’t mean I’m your enemy.”


“I don’t know what hole you crawled out of or where you came from, but I’m sending you back!”

More Superman Quotes
“With great power comes great responsibility.”

“They must advance on their own, find their own way, make their own mistakes and create their own history.”


“When you feel sad, it’s okay. It’s not the end of the world”


Superman is a hero who fights to save humanity from several threats to Earth. This superhero possesses various superhero abilities and gives us essential life lessons. Superman made us believe that there is a hero in all of us.

You can also check out these 40 Inspirational Optimus Prime Quotes!

Nitesh Kucchal

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