33 Amazing Hillary Clinton Quotes On Women’s Rights & Equality

Hillary Clinton”, by Veni, is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton also known as Hillary Clinton has served as the 67th US secretary of state, senator of New York, First lady of the United State to the 42nd President, Bill Clinton, and the first woman in US history to become the presidential nominee of a major political party. 

Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois, as the first child of Dorothy and Hugh Rodham.  Clinton graduated from Wellesley College and enrolled in Yale Law School where she got her Juris Doctor and where she met her husband, Bill Cinton.

Hillary Clinton Quotes

“I was sleep-deprived, and I misspoke.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (January 20, 2007 – 2008)

“We can have enough clean energy to power every home.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – First presidential debate (September 26, 2016)

“Showing up is not all of life, but it counts for a lot.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Told to reporters on a flight to Soeul, Korea, February 20, 2009
“Knowing what to expect next gives children a sense of security.”

“Every kid with a disability has the right to go to school.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – 2016 Democratic National Convention (July 28, 2016)

“I have a million ideas. The country can’t afford them all.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Reply to a question whether her proposals can be implemented without increasing the national debt, October 11, 2007. – Presidential campaign (January 20, 2007 – 2008)

“Our democracy has been around far longer than European democracy.”

HILLARY CLINTON, European Parliament, Brussels, March 6, 2009.
“Fear is always with us, but we just don’t have time for it. Not now!”

“My dad used to say, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – Democratic Presidential Debate in Miami (March 9, 2016)

“This isn’t just about one election. It’s about who we are as a nation.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – Speech in Reno, Nevada (August 25, 2016)

“He says it’s a secret plan, but the only secret is that he has no plan.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – First presidential debate (September 26, 2016)
“My job titles only tell you what I’ve done. They don’t tell you why.”

“Americans don’t say: I alone can fix it. We say: We’ll fix it together.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – 2016 Democratic National Convention (July 28, 2016)

“I cannot control what the Republicans leak and what they are contending.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Meet the Press (January 2016). – Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016)
“There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail.”

“Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Tweet (22 November 2015) – Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016)

“I believe that in America, if you can dream it, you should be able to build it.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – Speech in Reno, Nevada (August 25, 2016)
“Too many women in too many countries speak the same language, of silence…”

“The first step is to take weapons off the streets and to put more police on them.”

HILLARY CLINTON, It Takes a Village (ed. Simon and Schuster, 2012) – ISBN: 9781471108648

“It is no longer acceptable to discuss women’s rights as separate from human rights.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Remarks by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (ed. 1995)
“Freedom means the right of people to assemble, organize, and debate openly.”

“Like it or not, women are always subject to criticism if they show too much feeling in public.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Living History (June 9, 2003)

“Diplomacy would be easy if we only had to talk to our friends. But that is not how one makes peace.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Hard Choices (2014)
“Everyone should be respected by the law, and everyone should respect the law.”

“Words matter. Words matter when you run for president. And they really matter when you are president.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – First presidential debate (September 26, 2016)

“Someone detached from reality should never be in charge of making decisions that are as real as they come.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – Speech in Reno, Nevada (August 25, 2016)
“We are safer when communities respect the police and police respect communities.”

“First, we parents have to back up school authority and quit making excuses for our kids when they misbehave.”

HILLARY CLINTON, It Takes a Village (ed. Simon and Schuster, 2012) – ISBN: 9781471108648

“Lifting whole passages from someone else’s speeches is not change you can believe in. It’s change you can Xerox.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Charging Barack Obama with plagiarism at Texas presidential debate, February 21, 2008 ; see relevant quote above, two days earlier – Presidential campaign (January 20, 2007 – 2008)
“In this world and the world of tomorrow, we must go forward together or not at all.”

“I want to bring us together as a nation to recognize the humanity and support the potential of all of our people.”

HILLARY CLINTON, Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016) – Speech in Orlando, Florida (September 21, 2016)

“We should remember that just as a positive outlook on life can promote good health, so can everyday acts of kindness.”

HILLARY CLINTON, It Takes A Village, January 1996
“It’s time that we move from good words to good works, from sound bites to sound solutions.”

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Luke Franklin

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