30 Brilliant Ellen DeGeneres Quotes To Spread Kindness

Ellen DeGeneres Plastic Surgery“, by celebrityabc, is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Ellen Lee DeGeneres is an American comedian, television host, and proud gay who advocates LGBTQ rights. Ellen found her success on her self-titled television series ‘Ellen’ that became the award-winning talk show since 2003. In 2008, Ellen married her wife Portia de Rossi. 

Ellen was born on the 26th of January, 1958, in Metairie, Louisiana. She dreamed of becoming a veterinarian but gave up the idea because she was not “book smart”. But other things came when she used her humor when she was frightened by the crowd in some public speaking event that led her to who and where she is now.

Ellen DeGeneres Quotes

“It always helps to think about other people instead of ourselves.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Seriously…I’m Kidding (ed. Grand Central Publishing, 2011) – ISBN: 9780446585033

“You’re never too old to play. You’re only too old for low-rise jeans.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Seriously…I’m Kidding (ed. Grand Central Publishing, 2011) – ISBN: 9780446585033
“It’s failure that gives you the proper perspective on success.”

“What are perfect strangers? Do they have perfect hair? Do they dress perfectly?”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Mirabella (1992)

“There’s no one way to dance. And that’s kind of my philosophy about everything.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, People (2005)
“It makes a big difference in your life when you stay positive.”

“Quick decision makers are often stuck behind annoying people in line at Starbucks.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Seriously…I’m Kidding (ed. Grand Central Publishing, 2011) – ISBN: 9780446585033

“The only way a no-legged leopard could hurt you is if it fell out of a tree onto your head.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, My Point…And I Do Have One (ed. Bantam, 2011) – ISBN: 9780307765628
“I enjoy growing older and wiser and learning from my mistakes every single day.”

“That’s what life is all about. There’s a lot of crying. So you’d better cry now and get used to it.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, My Point…And I Do Have One (ed. Bantam, 2011) – ISBN: 9780307765628

“Do you live each day as if it’s your first or your last? Either way you should probably have a diaper on.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Seriously…I’m Kidding (ed. Grand Central Publishing, 2011) – ISBN: 9780446585033
“Be open to learning new lessons even if they contradict the lessons you learned yesterday.”

“Life is short. If you doubt me, ask a butterfly. Their average life span is a mere five to fourteen days.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, The Funny Thing Is… (ed. Simon and Schuster, 2003) – ISBN: 9780743253666

“All you can do is be good to people and hope that those people will be good to you too but good luck I doubt it.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, My Point… And I Do Have One (1995)
“I learned compassion from being discriminated against. Everything bad that’s ever happened to me has taught me compassion.”

“I’m a godmother, that’s a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that’s cute, I taught her that.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Ellen DeGeneres, My Point…And I Do Have One

“It’s funny how cucumber water can taste so much better than pickle juice, even though they come from the same source.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Seriously…I’m Kidding (ed. Grand Central Publishing, 2011) – ISBN: 9780446585033
“Leaning forward in your chair when someone is trying to squeeze behind you isn’t enough. You also have to move the chair.”

“I personally like being unique. I like being my own person with my own style and my own opinions and my own toothbrush.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Seriously…I’m Kidding (ed. Grand Central Publishing, 2011) – ISBN: 9780446585033

“So be who you really are. Embrace who you are. Literally. Hug yourself. Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Seriously…I’m Kidding (ed. Grand Central Publishing, 2011) – ISBN: 9780446585033
“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.”

“My name is Ellen and I’m a vegetarian. Just to add another label to me: I am a lesbian, Aquarian and vegetarian. I’ve said it…”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Ellen Degeneres hosting Paul McCartney and Friends Live: PETA’s Millennium Concert, 1999

“My grandmother, God bless her, started walking when she was in her sixties. Now she’s 95 and we don’t know where the hell she is.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, As quoted in: Newsweek, Volume 119, Issues 18-26 (1992), p. 121
“It’s our challenges and obstacles that give us layers of depth and make us interesting.”

“You just have to keep driving down the road. It’s going to bend and curve and you’ll speed up and slow down, but the road keeps going.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Seriously…I’m Kidding (ed. Grand Central Publishing, 2011) – ISBN: 9780446585033

“Find out who you are and be that person. That’s what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, “Find Out Who You Are and Live That Truth”. Interview with Katie Couric, www.glamour.com. February 1, 2010. 
“Our flaws are what makes us human. If we can accept them as part of who we are, they really don’t even have to be an issue.”

“Never follow anyone else’s path, unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, “12 Inspiring Graduation Speeches by Amazing Women” by Kelly Conniff, time.com. May 18, 2014. 

“My point is, life is about balance. The good and the bad. The highs and the lows. The pina and the colada.”

ELLEN DEGENERES, Ellen DeGeneres (2011). “Seriously…I’m Kidding”, p.95, Hachette UK
“Being a teenager and figuring out who you are is hard enough without someone attacking you.”

Luke Franklin

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