58 One Sided Love Quotes That Will Touch Your Heart

One-sided love” by “ILCE-7RM2“, licensed under CC0 1.0

Have you ever developed feelings for a person but do not dare to tell them? Or had a crush on a personality who does not even know you exist? Or do you still hold feelings for your ex-bae?

Then these emotions, my friend, describe one-sided love or unrequited love!

Love is a beautiful emotion. Feeling this way can make even the darkest of times filled with hope and affection. However, if your love is not mutual, the one-sided love can leave you with pain and grief.

When we love someone, we expect the same love back, and when we don’t receive it, our heartbreaks into a million pieces. But always remember that love is unconditional; it does not expect anything in return. You can’t control whom your heart loves.

Check out our beautiful collection of one-sided love quotes if you are stuck in an unrequited love situation.

Pain One Sided Love Quotes

When you love someone who does not reciprocate your feeling, the situation can become intensely painful. Go through these pain one sided love quotes, which you might find relatable.

It’s hard to wait around for something that you know might never happen. But it’s even harder to give up when you know it’s everything you want.”


“My joy is severed because of you, my pain is amplified because I loved you.”


“You lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you.”


“My life has been a continuum of unanswered prayers and you bear the largest portion of that.”


“It hurts, and I cannot fathom the reason why you hold my joy so much in your hands.”

Pain One Sided Love Quotes
“Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”

“I’m tired of wishing and hoping you’ll be true, I’m tired of dreaming about loving you. I want to live.”


I hate myself for loving you but I hate it more to know you don’t love me as much as I love you.”


“It hurts when you have someone in your heart but you can’t have them in your arms.”


“Love isn’t always perfect. It isn’t a fairy tale or storybook. And it doesn’t always come easy.”


“You like someone who can’t like you back because unrequited love can survive in a way that once-requited love cannot.”

Pain One Sided Love Quotes
“Unrequited love is the infinite curse of a lonely heart.”

Sad One Sided Love Quotes

One-sided love involves a lot of emotions. At times, you are thrilled thinking of just being around them. But the next thing you realize, your feelings will never be reciprocated, which makes you sad. We have collected some sad one sided love quotes for all those situations.

“My silence is just another word for my pain. A love like I have for you, I’ll never, ever know again.”


“When you care for people more than they deserve, you get hurt more than you deserve.”


“People do incredible things for love, particularly for unrequited love.”


“I find myself wishing every time, if only you knew you are the reason.”


“My greatest fear is not the monsters under my bed but it is when you said that you could never love.”

Sad One Sided Love Quotes
“The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.”

“I want people to know how much you meant to me. That you’ll finally know the feeling of my misery.”


“I cannot fathom congratulating you on finding love when I’m not the giver of the love.”


“If only life was fair, but I understand it’s not, that’s why you cannot love me.”


“Problems can be fixed. But unrequited love is a tragedy.”


“They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Thus I’m insane because of you, I just can’t stop hoping.”


One Sided Love Quotes For Him

Men always find it difficult to express their feelings. For all those men out there in one-sided love situations, here are some of the best one sided love quotes for him.

One Sided Love Quotes For Him
“The pain of one sided love, of knowing that I had loved her more than she had loved me.”

“I was born again because of your love, but I died of the same reason.”


“I’m not sure what scares me more, that you will never start loving me, or that I will never stop loving you.”


“It’s so hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.”


“I tried to hate you but the only thing I hated is how much I loved you.”


“Loving someone who doesn’t love you in return… is like trying to fly with a broken wing.”

One Sided Love Quotes For Him
“You don’t understand that the thought of you being with someone else hurts.”

“It feels like I have acid rain in my brain, and it’s killing the flowers of my heart.”


“I don’t hate love. I just hate what it does to you in the end.”


“When you walked away you took my heart with you. All you left are pain and tears.”


“At some point, you have to realize that she doesn’t care, and you could be missing out on someone who actually does.”


“Knowing that those big brown eyes won’t be looking into mine, kills me.”


One Sided Love Short Quotes

Want to share your feelings on social media platforms? Then, here are some one sided love shorts quotes to add to your captions, stories, and posts.

One Sided Love Short Quotes
“I’m tired of loving you and hoping you’ll do the same.”

“Those eyes that have been my sun, it pains to see them shining for another.”


“Why did you leave me when you promised to hold my hand forever?”


“I wish I hadn’t been so blinded in love and listened to my mind instead of my heart.”


“Seeing you with someone else is the definition of hell.”


“The thought of you in somebody else’s arms kills me slowly every day.”

One Sided Love Short Quotes
“Loving you is like a drug. It’s addictive but soon it will destroy me.”

“My heart is hollow and only you can fill it, yet it remains empty.”


“I’ve never really known the word hopeless, until I met you.”


“You can sacrifice and not love. But you cannot love and not sacrifice.”


“I can’t unlove you.”


“Break my face, my back, my arms, my neck. But please don’t break my heart.”


One Sided True Love Quotes

Love is beautiful and unconditional. It is difficult to forget your true love, even if it is one-sided or unrequited. Here are some one sided true love quotes to propagate the power of love.

One Sided True Love Quotes
“The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.”

“It’s kind of funny how someone can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the little pieces.”


“You can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else.”


“If you don’t receive love from the ones who are meant to love you, you will never stop looking for it.”


“Perhaps unrequited love was a specter in the house, a presence that brushed at the edge of senses, a heat in the dark, and a shadow under the sun.”


“If only you know how much my heart beats for you, then you’ll know your thrall over my heart.”

One Sided True Love Quotes
“Even if you tear me to pieces or even if you reduce me to ashes, I would still go back and give you my heart.”

“It’s pity your heart beats for someone else because I cannot cage my heart to do the same.”


“I’m not saying that I think of you constantly, but I can’t deny the fact that each time my mind wanders, it always find some way back to you.”


“I’m happy for you, while feeling unhappy that I’m not the author of your happiness.”


“If someone doesn’t fight to keep you, never fight yourself to stay.”


People in one-sided love situations often feel helpless and miserable about themselves. We understand that it is much easier said than done; learn to accept the reality and move on.

Not getting the feelings reciprocated back will hurt you. You can start focusing on yourself or on things that you genuinely love.

Also, it is important to acknowledge that you should never bottle up your feelings. Talking to your loved ones about your feelings might help you gain a new perspective and start afresh.

You can also check out 50 Relatable Breakup Quotes To Heal Your Broken Heart.

Curated by: Sharmistha Roy Chowdhury

Luke Franklin

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