Five thought provoking quotes by Alexander the Great
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion”
Alexander the Great

Turtle’s Thoughts
Lions are unpredictable and selfish in nature whereas sheep will follow the leader and do what they are told. When people blindly follow a leader who is aggressive in their stance, there is not much that ‘the sheep’ will not do to appease them.
“I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.”
Alexander the Great

Turtles’ Thoughts
Although without our father’s we would not be here, the teachers in our lives are the ones who show us how to live. That is not to say that our fathers can not also be our teachers but none the less, the message still holds true.
“True love never has a happy ending, because there is no ending to true love.”
Alexander the Great

Turtle’s thoughts
Once you have found true and real love, that alone should be enough to keep the fire and desire burning.
Those were beautiful quotes from Alexander the great. Did you know that he died at the age of 32? I got to know that recently, and that led to my post “Two things that struck me about Alexander the Great” Please allow me topaste the link here:
Hi Victor thanks for your kind words. Yes a very short life but with huge achievements none the less.
Wow ! Nice blog 🙂 these quotes are excellent !
Thank you – only the best make it onto these pages :)!
Yes ! I’ve seen that 🙂
Alexander the great had a wise teacher by the name of Aristotle who believed our primary purpose in life is to find happiness (εὐδαιμονία / eu̯dai̯monía) which translates into prosperity and wellbeing.
Hi again Marian, thanks for taking the time to add also to this post. Very interesting !
I recently did some research about Alexander the Great but I had no idea he said this, as you quoted:
“I would rather live a short life of glory than a long one of obscurity”.
True to his words, he died before his 33rd birthday. Such a short life indeed.
You may want to see my post about him too: